Christian Pilgrimage Review

Christian Pilgrimage Review is an international scientific journal of open access on various issues of scientific study Christian pilgrimage in the world in the past and present

Christian Pilgrimage Review is thematically focused on the study of the formation, development and current situation of Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Palestine and neighboring countries) and in the territory of other states of the spread of the Christian religion

The development of the journal is planned to be carried out in several thematic areas presented below
Christian Pilgrimage Review is thematically focused on the study of the formation, development and current situation of Christian pilgrimage in the world, the history of holy places of general Christian or local significance, and the practical implementation of going to holy places.

The journal is aimed at the scientific study of various issues related to the history and current situation of Christian pilgrimage in the world. The need to create a new separate scientific platform for covering Christian pilgrimage is determined by a wide range of topics, one way or another related to this issue.

The purpose of creating the journal is not only to create an opportunity for authors to accumulate scientific research on pilgrimage on the pages of a specific scientific publication, but more globally - to form a domestic scientific school for the study of the phenomenon of Christian pilgrimage.

The existing significant achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of studying the phenomenon of Christian pilgrimage in general, as well as its individual routes and features, are widely known to the scientific community, which means that the formation of an appropriate platform and the desire to increase scientific knowledge in this area is relevant and timely.

Main topics of published research:

  • geography of pilgrimage in the world;
  • architecture, design, and symbolism of pilgrimage sites;
  • ceremonies, rituals, pilgrimage practices;
  • pilgrimage places, sacred mountains, sacred groves;
  • Golgotha and the Way of the Cross, wayside crosses and chapels, monasteries, cemeteries and tombs;
  • pilgrimages to temples or other sacred places or buildings;
  • sacred geography;
  • pilgrimage journeys;
  • pilgrim diaries.

The journal will focus on the study of the formation, development and current situation of Christian pilgrimage in the world, the history of holy places of general Christian or local significance, and the practical aspects of visiting holy places.
The magazine will cover the issues of pilgrimage of Christians of the Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant churches, as well as Eastern churches and other Christian religious organizations.

The problems of the formation and development of Christian pilgrimage within the framework of the journal are expected to be comprehended from the birth of the Christian religion to the present. One of the possible and relevant aspects today may be the understanding of Christian pilgrimage and its transformations in the light of the latest challenges in various regions of the world.

The phenomenon of pilgrimage deserves its significant study from the point of view of the existence of the tradition of pilgrimage, history, anthropology, politics of the countries of origin of pilgrims and the holy places of arrival of pilgrims.

The journal is interested in publishing scientific research, regardless of the confessional and religious affiliation of the author, but taking into account the designated topics of the journal itself. The journal is open to cooperation with authors, as well as educational and scientific organizations from Russia and other countries.


The current state of the Christian pilgrimage by region (1917 - our days)

Holy Land (states of the biblical region)

Europe (including by sub-regions)

North America

Latin America



History of Christian pilgrimage

Roman period

Byzantine period

Ottoman Period


The section includes publication of reviews on books corresponding to the subject of the journal, published no later than half a year before the day the manuscript was received by the editorial office.

Reviews about the held conferences, round tables, presentations, forums, thematic meetings.

It is possible to publish author translations or excerpts from previously published collections or books that have become a notable event in a national or international scientific field.


In accordance with the definition of open access formulated at the Budapest Conference on Open Access, users of the journal are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, quote full-text articles of the journal, provide links to them without prior approval from the publisher or author of the material.
Open Access Journal — Creative Commons

Articles are accepted in electronic form
Articles of at least are accepted for publication
7-20 thousand words and originality of at least 90%